StercheleGroup Certifications
Excellence in quality, environment and safety
Our commitment to ever-higher standars
The certifications obtained reflect our continuous commitment to achieving and maintaining high standards in quality, environment, and safety
Each company of StercheleGroup holds the ISO 9001 certification for quality. Sterchele S.p.A. is qualified to carry out public works in civil and industrial buildings, as well as prefabricated reinforced concrete structures, and was the first to obtain the Italian CSLP classification for PREM self-supporting steel beams with reinforced concrete. Finally, the PREM SD b2 beams and PaNUS columns comply with the Minimum Environmental Criteria.
Sterchele Spa: Certificate of Conformity of the Quality Management System to the requirements of the UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 (N° 50-100-8908 Rev.008 del 22/11/2024)QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM– ISO 9001:2015 – S.D. SRL Certificate of Conformity of the Quality Management System to the requirements of the UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 (N° 50-100-9137 Rev.007 dated 13/12/2024).QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM– ISO 9001:2015 – STEDIL SRL
Stedil Srl: Certificate of Conformity of the Quality Management System to the requirements of the UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 (N° 50 100 17799 dated 01/10/2024)SOA CERTIFICATION – STERCHELE SPA
Sterchele Spa: certification of qualification for the execution of public works, in accordance to D.P.R. 207/2010 (N. 75197/10/00 dated 28/11/2024).
Stedil Srl: Certificate of Conformity of the Management System to the requirements of the UNI EN ISO 3834-2:2021 – Arc welding of metal reinforcements for mixed truss prefabricated beam (N° 523-776-2024 dated 10/12/2024)FORMING OF STEEL FOR REINFORCED CONCRETE – NTC 2018 DM 17/01/18 – STEDIL SRL
Stedil Srl: Certificate of declaration of activity for steel processing aimed at rebar forming for reinforced concrete (No. 3748/23 dated 27/09/2023)QUALIFICATION CERTIFICATE OF THE PRODUCTION SITE FOR PRECAST REINFORCED CONCRETE ELEMENTS – NTC 2008 DM 14/01/08-IV – STERCHELE SPA
Sterchele Spa: qualification certificate of Central Technical Service of Superior Council of Public Works (CSLP), for the production of reinforced concrete bases for PREM SD truss beams (N° 9878 dated 13/12/2013)
The documents refer to Sterchele SpA (ST), to S.D. Srl (SD) and to Stedil Srl (SE) which produces steel components on behalf of the aforementioned ST and SD. The production sites are indicated with: MV = Marano Vicentino; IV = Isola Vicentina; MCO=Monticello Conte Otto.
Sterchele Spa: Certificate of Conformity of Factory Production Control (FPC) to the requirements of the EN 14992 standard for the production of: concrete panels, lightweight panels, and/or thermally insulated panels for Marano Vicentino site (No. 0948-CPR-0094 Rev.5 dated 26/06/2024).FPC – EN 13225 – COLUMNS, BEAMS, BLEACHERS, TERRACES AND REINFORCED CONCRETE PREM BEAMS – MV
Sterchele Spa: Certificate of Conformity of Factory Production Control (FPC) to the requirements of the EN 13225:2013 standard for the production of: columns, beams, bleachers, terraces and reinforced concrete PREM beams for Marano Vicentino site (N° 0948-CPR-0094 Rev.5 dated 26/06/2024)FPC – EN 13225 – COLUMNS, BEAMS, BLEACHERS, TERRACES AND REINFORCED CONCRETE PREM BEAMS – IV
Sterchele Spa: Certificate of Conformity of Factory Production Control (FPC) to the requirements of the EN 13225:2013 standard for the production of: columns, beams, bleachers, terraces and reinforced concrete PREM beams for Isola Vicentina site (N° 0948-CPR-0093 Rev.5 dated 26/06/2024)FPC – EN 14843 – REINFORCED CONCRETE STAIRS – MV
Sterchele Spa: Certificate of Conformity of Factory Production Control (FPC) to the requirements of the EN 14843:2007 standard for the production of: reinforced concrete stairs for Marano Vicentino site (N° 0948-CPR-0094 Rev.5 dated 26/06/2024)FPC – EN 14843–REINFORCED CONCRETE STAIRS – IV
Sterchele Spa: Certificate of Conformity of Factory Production Control (FPC) to the requirements of the EN 14843:2007 standard for the production of: reinforced concrete stairs for Isola Vicentina site (N° 0948-CPR-0093 Rev.5 dated 26/06/2024)FPC – EN 13693 – REINFORCED CONCRETE SLABS – MV
Sterchele Spa: Certificate of Conformity of Factory Production Control (FPC) to the requirements of the EN 13693 standard for the production of: prefabricated reinforced concrete slabs for Marano Vicentino site (N° 0948-CPR-0094 Rev.5 dated 26/06/2024)FPC – EN 13747 – FLAT SLABS/PREDALLES SLABS – MV
Certificate of Conformity of Factory Production Control (FPC) to the requirements of the EN 13747 for the production of: flat slabs / predalles slabs for Marano Vicentino site (N° 0948-CPR-0094 Rev.5 dated 26/06/2024)
Certificate of Conformity of Factory Production Control (FPC) to the requirements of the EN 1090-1:2009+A1:2011 standard for the production of: steel components used in composite steel-concrete structures (beams “PREM SD cat.A”) and composite steel-concrete columns; welded structural components in carbon steel (up to grade S450) for the Monticello Conte Otto site (No. 0948-CPR-0584 Rev.1 dated 06/12/2023).ENERGY CERTIFICATION – EN 6946:2018 – LIGHTWEIGHT INSULATED PANELS – ST – MV
Sterchele Spa: Certificate of Conformity of the Energy Performances of the prefabricated reinforced concrete lightweight insulated and non-insulated panels to the requirements of EN 6946:2018 standard for Marano Vicentino site (N° TUVIT-ENE-0001 Rev.02 dated 20/03/2018).CAM COMPLIANCE (MINIMUM ENVIRONMENTAL CRITERIA) – DM 23/06/2022 – PREM SD BEAMS B2/A2 AND CONCRETE COLUMNS – MV
Sterchele Spa: Certificate of Conformity of the minimum percentage of recycled material by weight as required by the Ministerial Decree 06/23/2022 (CAM), according to the criteria of UNI/PdR 88:2020, for the production of PREM b2/a2 beams and prefabricated concrete columns for Marano Vicentino site (N° TUVIT-LMR-A0075 dated 18/12/2023).CAM COMPLIANCE (MINIMUM ENVIRONMENTAL CRITERIA) – DM 23/06/2022 – PREM SD BEAMS B2/A2 AND CONCRETE COLUMNS – IV
Sterchele Spa: Certificate of Conformity of the minimum percentage of recycled material by weight as required by the Ministerial Decree 06/23/2022 (CAM), according to the criteria of UNI/PdR 88:2020, for the production of PREM b2/a2 beams and prefabricated concrete columns for Isola Vicentina site (N° TUVIT-LMR-A0067 Rev.1 dated 18/12/2023)STRUCTURAL CATEGORY CLASSIFICATION – DM 14/01/08-a – BEAMS A–SD – TU
Classification, Central Technical Service of Superior Council of Public Works (CSLP), of the PREM SD beams models a0, a1 and a2 in the composite steel-concrete beams structural category for all sites (No. 9879 dated 13/12/2013)STRUCTURAL CATEGORY CLASSIFICATION – DM 14/01/08-b – BEAMS B–SD – TU
Classification, Central Technical Service of Superior Council of Public Works (CSLP), of the PREM SD beams models b0 and b2 in the reinforced concrete beams structural category for all sites (N° 5458 dated 08/08/2014)
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