Prefabricated Building Systems


Prefabricated Building Systems by Sterchele Group

Production and technological flexibility for the complete industrialization of the construction site without limiting the designer’s creativity.

Prefabricated Building Systems: flexibility and industrialization

The mission to simplify the construction site and industrialize the building process has been rooted in the group’s DNA since 1962. Today, we offer a complete and flexible structural building system along with a range of finishing products to achieve maximum versatility.

The PREM System

The PREM System represents a modular solution with lightweight semi-prefabricated elements, produced in the factory and assembled on-site with the help of reinforcements and integrative concrete castings.

PREM beams, columns, load-bearing panels, and hollow-core slabs create a final hyperstatic and monolithic structure, combining the advantages of prefabricated structures with the characteristics of those built on-site. Perfect for commercial, residential, industrial buildings, schools, student residences, hotels, nursing homes, parking lots and infrastructure.

The offering is completed by prefabricated elements such as cladding panels, stairs, bleachers, and more.

Collaboration and expertise

The combinations of system components, along with technical expertise, make the proposal extremely flexible, allowing for a “tailored” industrialization that can meet any design requirement.

With over 50 years of experience in the construction industry, StercheleGroup offers competitive capabilities and the most complete PREM System on the market. The advantages of the system, such as reduced timelines, improved site safety, process simplification, faster execution, and sustainability, make StercheleGroup a leading full-service provider in the sector.

Project phases


  • Feasibility Study
  • Project Consulting
  • Cost estimation for proposal
  • Order
  • Executive design for production
  • Work Schedule and Delivery Planning
  • Production
  • Delivery, installation, and assembly on site
  • Testing
  • Customer Service

Who we address

  • Engineers and Architects
  • Final Clients
  • Construction Companies
  • General Contractors

Other business area

StercheleGroup è leader di cellule bagno in CLS , di sistemi costruttivi e travi PREM e di prodotti per l’edilizia.

Our prefabricated Bathroom Pods are a cutting-edge, turnkey solution designed to deliver exceptional flexibility, speed, and top-tier craftsmanship through a unique industrial process. Backed by over 30 years of expertise, we specialize in off-site bathroom pods solutions perfect for residential and hospitality, as well as commercial, and office buildings.

With over 50 years of experience, we are based in the province of Vicenza, specializing in the design, supply, and installation of flooring, wall coverings and bathroom furniture, as well as the supply of building materials. In our showrooms we present complete solutions, ensuring our clients a wide selection of products, solid expertise, and excellent price/performance ratio.

StercheleGroup è leader di cellule bagno in CLS , di sistemi costruttivi e travi PREM e di prodotti per l’edilizia.

Looking for an integrated solution?

Sterchele Group provides an integrated construction solution, born from the combination of Structural Building Systems, Prefabricated Bathroom Pods, and Prefabricated Components, perfect for nursing homes, student residences, hotels, hospitals and prisons.